The Pepi Hotel, located in Basovizza, can be reached easily.
The Pepi Hotel is about 9 km from the Trieste city center, 5 km from the Motorway, 2 km from the National Boundary, 4 km from the Cattinara Hospital, 1 km from Elettra Synchrotron, 4 km from Area Science Park, 8 km from SISSA (International School for Advanced Studies of Trieste), 7 km from the Trieste University, 9 km from the OGS (The National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics), 10 km from the Trieste port, 7 km from the Fernetti traffic center, and 8 km from the industrial area of Trieste.
34012 Trieste (Italia) - Basovizza, Via S. Kosovel 33
telefono e fax: + 39 040 226127
By car: from the A4 motorway (direction Trieste/Slovenia), get the Padriciano/Basovizza slip road (Area Science Park), and follow the directions to Padriciano and then to Basovizza. The Hotel is located at the beginning of the village, follow the signs.
By bus: from Trieste (train station) bus n. 39 and 51 towards Basovizza.
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